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Housing Authority Minutes 12/06/2011

The regular meeting of the LHA was held on Tuesday Dec. 6, 2011 at 4:30 PM at the Curtis.
  • The meeting was called to order by Chairman T. Sorrentino at 4:30 PM.
  • Roll Call:              Present –    Tess Sorrentino, Chairman
      Catherine May, Vice Chairman/State Appointee
      Jan Ward, Treasurer
      Marge Pero, Member
       Holly Higgins, Member   
       Martha Joyner, Exec. Dir.     Absent –None
      Others Present:  None                                                         
  • Agenda:
  • Tenant Forum
Thank you to E.J. and V.W. for planning/preparing tenant Thanksgiving dinner, Pam Mackie and Janet Levesque for Curtis lobby decorations, and Knights of Columbus for planters and tubs. A copy of a letter sent to Tina Brooks from F.S. (Curtis) regarding the current system for moving cars after a snow storm was read and discussed.  Exec. Dir. read the Tenant Owned Vehicle Policy and referred to the Tenant Handbook.  Both state clearly that if a tenant owns a car they are responsible for it in all weather and it must be moved upon request.  It is not financially possible to sand twice nor is it practical as F.S. suggests.  Tess suggested placing containers of sand at the back door and maybe at the end of the driveway for tenant use.  Holly stated rules are in place and it is up to individuals to follow them.  No one wants anyone hurt.  DHCD states standard for winter weather is “reasonable care” - not obligated to guarantee safety or perfection. In the private sector, they would be expected to move their vehicles the same as here.  Exec. Dir. will have maintenance put a container at back door for tenant use.  Marge asked if LHA was running out of parking spaces, if so maybe time to take back the two spaces that were allowed to the pharmacy.  Marge suggested inviting pharmacy to a meeting.   
  • Minutes/Nov. regular and special meetings.  
M. Pero made the motion to accept the regular Nov. minutes, J. Ward seconded. All in attendance except Holly voted in favor. C. May made the motion to accept the Special Nov. minutes, M. Pero seconded.  All in attendance except Holly and Jan voted in favor. Minutes will be sent to the town web site.  
  • Accounts payable/Nov.
Accounts payable for Nov. were approved.  Oct. account reconciliation was distributed, 9/30/11 quarterly reports were presented – submitted to DHCD online 11/15/11, 4001 bal. approximately $20,000 with rents deposited, transferred $ 3088.18 from 689 MMA to 4001, as of 11/31/11 Curtis porch fund balance $ 568.06 includes $252.00 donation and $120.00 paid to Dresser Hull.  Affordable Housing Trust Fund initiative – LHA has been awarded $3850.  Exec. Dir. estimate of expenses was $4600.00, unclear at this time why award was less – actual figures are $4919.44.  All documentation has been forwarded to DHCD as required.  Exec. Dir. met with Rep. Pignatelli on 11/29 to discuss process for this award.  This award is to financially assist authority to reoccupy the unit quicker yet no funds are given up front.  If half of estimate was made available it would at least jump start the process, and when all invoices are submitted release the remainder of the funding.  He will look into this initiative and report back to LHA.       
  • Project updates
Curtis porch – waiting for columns to arrive for Phase 6.  Tess stated board needs to discuss fundraising idea at next meeting.
  • Vacancies
As of 12/1/11 Curtis – 2 (1 will be filled as of 12/7), TT 2- 1 taken off line due to continual flooding and other requires complete rehab before it can be leased, Families –1 (2 bed) should be able to fill from list.    
  • Old Business
Curtis park easement update – Marge reported that LHA should have legal document within 30 days for board review.
Curtis Lease – points of discussion for future negotiations
Cathie made motion to nominate Tess and Marge to meet with Atty. LaFore after the beginning of the New Year to review the lease and to present board points for discussion including pros and cons of possibility of LHA taking over the space.   Exec. Dir. will also attend. Jan seconded and all in attendance voted in favor. Tess instructed all members to bring their discussion points to Jan. meeting.
Marge requested that the subject of lowering the age requirement for elderly housing be placed on the Jan. agenda.  She has spoken to Rep. Pignatelli and he is interested and looking for testimony.
  • New Business
Lead Paint Yearly Certification budget requirement
As was done June 14, 2011, the board amended the certification form to include “to the best of our knowledge” and all members in attendance signed.  Board members are still of the opinion that potential legal issues could arise from signing this without DHCD doing a site audit to ensure proper compliance or to correct any deficiencies.  All are very concerned about the position they are being put in to verify day – to day operations which is clearly not there job as board members.  Certification will be forwarded to DHCD.
Revised Budget Certification
There is much concern regarding individual board member liability regarding this new requirement for budget submissions.  Mass NAHRO has written the Gov. and continues to be in contact and meet with DHCD regarding this matter.  As of 12/6/11 Exec. Dir. was advised to wait until certification language can be agreed upon.  In the current form Exec. Dir. advises members not to sign, Marge stated she would refuse to sign, and other agreed.  Members perceive this as potential personal liability; their decisions are made as a “board” not individuals. Mass NAHRO will keep us updated.
Exec. Dir. contract
All members were given a copy of the contract for their review.  Marge made the motion to approve Martha Joyner’s one year contract commencing 10/1/2011 in the amount of $45,912.00 per year subject to yearly review.  Jan seconded and all in attendance voted in favor.  Contract will be forwarded to DHCD.
Required Ethics test online certification of completion – any member who has not yet returned their verification please do so asap.
  •  Tess adjourned the meeting at 6:00 PM.  All members in attendance voted in favor.   
Respectfully Submitted,

Martha Joyner, Secretary to the Board
Executive Director